The International Conference on Sintering is a world-wide forum dedicated to the science and technology of sintering, which is an essential step for the processing of ceramics and powder metallurgical parts.
This will be the tenth meeting in a series that started in 1995 as a continuation of a famous cycle of conferences on Sintering and Related Phenomena organized in the USA in the middle of the 20th century. The previous nine conferences have been held in Pennsylvania State University, USA (1995, 1999, 2003), Grenoble, France (2005), La Jolla, USA (2008), Jeju, Korea (2011), Dresden, Germany (2014), San Diego, USA (2017) and Gifu, Japan (2023).
The technical program will cover all aspects of sintering through invited and contributed talks, poster presentations. Students, researchers and faculty members as well as professionals from industry are cordially invited to attend.
We look forward to welcoming you in Aachen, the westernmost city in Germany bordering Belgium and the Netherlands. Aachen is an international, vibrant city with Roman roots and once privileged residence of Emperor Charlemagne.