DKG Jahrestagung


09.09.2024 – 11.09.2024
Anmeldung / Einreichung von Vorträgen offen!
Registration / submission of presentations open!

99. DKG-Jahrestagung
99th DKG Annual Meeting

- Hochschule Koblenz, WesterWaldCampus
- DKG, Köln
Adresse / Anfahrt:

Greeting - Programming Committee

Dear DKG members and friends of ceramics,

We cordially invite you to CERAMICS 2024, the 99th Annual Meeting of the Deutschen Keramischen Gesellschaft (
German Ceramic Society / DKG). The event which is open to all ceramists and those interested in ceramics is scheduled as an attendance event.
The host of CERAMICS 2024 / 99th DKG Annual Conference is the Koblenz University of Applied Sciences (
HAW Koblenz).
Every year, millions of people from near and far are drawn to the Rhine, especially to the Middle Rhine, undisputedly the most beautiful on the 180 km stretch between Cologne and Mainz, with Koblenz University halfway along.
The Middle Rhine World Heritage Site is one of the warmest and driest regions in Central Europe - and also one of the most beautiful. At three locations -
RheinMoselCampus Koblenz, RheinAhrCampus Remagen and WesterWaldCampus Höhr-Grenzhausen - prospective students can choose from more than 70 courses of study. Excellent facilities, modern laboratories and a high degree of practical relevance make Koblenz University of Applied Sciences particularly attractive. Currently, around 8,500 young men and women are studying at Koblenz University.
At the familiar
WesterWaldCampus in Höhr-Grenzhausen, everything revolves around glass and ceramics. The roots of ceramics education at Koblenz University go back to the 19th century. Ceramics training in Höhr-Grenzhausen has existed since 1879, at that time as the "Ceramics Technical School", In 1971 it was affiliated with the Koblenz University of Applied Sciences as the "Ceramics" department. Since 2012, the WesterWaldCampus with its fully comprehensive ceramics and glass education has been part of the University of Applied Sciences and is considered to be the most research-intensive location of the university with modern laboratory equipment.
Experiencing ceramics - whether as a visitor or student - is what the Ceramics Education and Research Center (
BFZK) and one of Europe's largest ceramics museums in Höhr-Grenzhausen are all about. The town of Höhr-Grenzhausen is a member of the "European Route of Ceramics" and the "Verband der deutschen Keramikstädte e. V." and is located in the heart of the Kannenbäckerland. The Bildungs- und Forschungszentrum Keramik e.V. (BFZK), with its eight institutions active in the fields of research and development, teaching, company foundation, design, art and museum preservation of history, is an umbrella organization of ceramic institutes and unique in its constellation throughout Europe. Practice-oriented research (FGK and ECREF), the founding activity (CTC), teaching at the university (training for Bachelor, Bachelor Dual and Master of Engineering "Ceramic Science"), the technical school (state-certified ceramics technician, ceramics designer) and the vocational school are closely linked. The Institute for Artistic Ceramics and Glass (Bachelor and Master education) and the Ceramics Museum, with 5000 square meters the largest European museum for ceramics in history and modernity, are hubs for local and international presentations.
You will find additional information about CERAMICS 2024 and the possibility to register online for participation, to submit contributions etc. soon on the registration platform of the DKG.

We look forward to welcoming you personally in Höhr-Grenzhausen.

On behalf of the program committee

of the Programme Committee
Prof. Dr. Antje Liersch