Working group: Systems based on functioncal ceramics
in the Joint Committee DKG/DGM - High-performance ceramics

Prof. Dr. Jörg Töpfer

EAH Jena
Fachbereich SciTec
Postfach 100314
07703 Jena
+49 (0) 3641 205479
+49 (0) 3641 205451

The working group focuses its technical interest in particular on electroceramic materials and their applications, such as di-, ferro-, piezo- and pyroelectric materials, semiconducting, sensor and thermoelectric ceramic materials, magnetic ceramic materials, and ion- or mixed-conducting ceramics.

In addition to fundamental material aspects, such as microstructure-property correlations, aspects of ceramics technology, layer production and multilayer ceramic technology will also be discussed. The wide range of applications of functional ceramic materials as well as aspects of the technologies of the systems – from design to manufacturing and application – round off the range of topics.

Objectives of the working group are:

  • Events on the subject of functional ceramics
  • Formation of networks between university and academic working groups as well as industrial partners and users
  • Identification of R&D needs and initiation of projects
  • Participation in strategic issues of the Joint Committee on High-performance ceramics of DKG and DGM